

Post #2

6/9/2022, 12:57 pm
New feature on Filmic India

Dear users,

How to access your administration panel ?
In the top menu, click on Log In, a new page is displayed. Fill in the username "admin" and the password you have choosen during your registration. If you have lost or forgot it, click here. Once you are logged in, click on the link "Administration Panel" at the bottom of the page.

How to modify your board's appearance ?
You can modify your board's appearance by choosing a theme (each theme displays different pictures, colors and icons). To do that, go to the administration panel, then click on Management in the Styles Admin menu and choose one of the displayed themes. You can later change it or choose another one.

From The Filmic India Team  king

This announcement has a purely informative purpose. The project is still in the development phase.

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